ECOBAM participates in the Technology and Innovation Forum in Sabadell

ECOBAM participates in the Technology and Innovation Forum in Sabadell

ECOBAM participates in the Technology and Innovation Forum in Sabadell

ECOBAM presented at the Technology and Innovation Forum in Sabadell the new proposal of the Traffic Speed Reducers cast iron with a 10 year guarante

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The 50% of Speed Bumps installed in Spain do not comply with the legal regulation of Speed Bumps.

The 50% of Speed Bumps installed in Spain do not comply with the legal regulation of Speed Bumps.

All the ECOBAM RDV © products comply with the Spanish regulation of Speed Bumps compiled in the Technical Instruction FOM/3053/2008.

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Case of success: Production of Ecobam Speed Bumps in Funosa Foundry

Case of success: Production of Ecobam Speed Bumps in Funosa Foundry

In Ecobam Europa we consider that the Production of ECOBAM Speed Bumps in Funosa foundry is a success project of collaboration between companies. The Speed Bumps Ecobam RDV has been developed and produced in close collaboration with Funosa, one of the main foundry companies in Europe, they are leaders in foundry techniques and production capacities. ECOBAM Speed Bumps have been produced in alloy… read more

Ole Thorson visits Ecobam and evaluates the Speed Bumps Ecobam RDV

Ole Thorson visits Ecobam and evaluates the Speed Bumps Ecobam RDV

Ole Thorson, road safety expert, has recently visited Ecobam Europa SL to see at first hand the security solutions ECOBAM and to evaluate them.

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Ecobam cuenta con el apoyo de:
Enisa - Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo
Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional